Our Services

How we can help

Workshops and Courses

'Elite' Resilience Programmes

Public Speaking

Life Coaching

Workshops and Courses

Metis runs a variety of engaging and insiprational Workshops and Courses, all designed to guide clients through a process of self-discovery, resulting in desired change and improvement. The following Workshops can be run either live in-person or ‘live’ on-line:


  • The Hero You – 10 steps to self-mastery and the best version of you. 
  • Developing Resilience
  • Developing positive mental health/ protecting against negative mental health 
  • Developing positive mental health/ protecting against negative mental health (schools)
  • Leadership
  • Adaptability and Dealing with uncertainty

Workshops can be designed or tailored for any desired duration, but it is suggested that a day is the minimum to prompt real growth.


'Elite' Resilience Programmes

Programmes designed to develop resilience in athletes, not only to enable them to be better performers on the pitch, but to build their ability to respond effectively to adversity, whether that be injury, poor performance, negative media coverage, life’s ups and downs, or career transition due to injury, de-selection or choice.

Programmes are co-designed with coaches, clubs, academy staff or governing bodies, to ensure they are tailored to the exact needs of the individuals and teams.

These programmes are win:win. They help to produce  better players, team-members, leaders and employees, who are better able to cope with adversity and make good life choices. But they are also the ‘right thing to do’; developing the player’s ability to make a healthy transition from being an athlete when the time comes.

Public Speaking

If you want your attendees to be inspired, motivated and confident in their ability to grow and self improve, Metis founder, Keith Reesby, would be delighted to help. Calling on his experiences in international sport, as an Army Officer, combat pilot, psychologist, educator and adventurer, Keith engages his audience with a variety of case studies, both personal and 3rd party, to exemplify his philosophy on how to activate genuine and lasting self improvement. His most popular talks focus on resilience, purpose, leadership and/or high performing teams.

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Life Coaching

Many of the most ‘successful’ people on earth employ a life coach – billionaires, Olympic gold medalists, Nobel prize winners, CEO’s, Special Forces operatives, celebrities…..  Considering they seem to have achieved so much, what do they have to benefit from paying a coach who has probably not ‘achieved’ what they have? In short, a good life coach can help unlock potential, find balance, purpose and direction; to find perspective or to open up new approaches to a problem. The scope is broad and the benefits, far reaching. 


Whether you’re stuck in a rut, anticipating or dealing with change and uncertainty, prevaricating, feeling a bit lost, or simply feeling that there’s more to life and you can’t quite put your finger on it…. then Life Coaching could help to find the solution.

Talk to us

Have any questions? We are always open to talk about you, your business, new projects, creative opportunities and how we can help you to break new ground.