About Us

Our Mission

Metis Human Potential is driven by a sense of service to inspire and support others to become the best possible version of themselves. To help people own a sense of purpose, a desire to grow, and to develop habits (both psychological and behavioural) that will improve every aspect of their lives, whether it’s becoming a better leader, better team-mate, employee, employer, partner, spouse, parent, or friend. We help every client to pursue ‘success, happiness and a life less ordinary’

Founder - Life Coach

Keith Reesby MSc

Keith is a vastly experienced coach, educator, facilitator and speaker, specialising in personal development and self improvement. Having spent 25 years studying the optimisation of human potential in sport, the military, aviation, education and business, he works with individuals and teams to increase all round success by focusing on individual character and genuine, sustained behavioural change.


He has learned from, and tested ideas throughout an eventful life, including playing international sport, 12 years as an Army Officer and combat helicopter pilot, operational tours of Iraq and Afghanistan, teaching Psychology in one of the UK’s top schools, as a professional development consultant in the Oil and Gas industry, and more recently while running a company in Zimbabwe focusing on residential character development programmes.  He has climbed mountains, undertaken ultra endurance events and traveled the world, and he has learned from his successes and failures.


His work with businesses centres on the belief that the key to leadership and collaborative, effective, resilient, flourishing teams is individual character; as is the individual’s happiness, sense of meaning, and personal wellbeing.


Keith’s unique and engaging approach seeks to embrace the complexity of modern research, and produce clear, proven, practical steps to self improvement which have a positive impact on all aspects of life; personal and professional.

Frequently Asked Questions

How can we be sure the programmes will suit our organisation?

The best courses and workshops are those that are tailored to the specific needs of the audience. Ideally, therefore, we will collaborate with your organisation during the design phase of the course to ensure the programme is tailored to your desired outcomes and the nature of the delegates.

Which is the best programme to improve individual resilience?

Individual and group resilience are central to success and wellbeing, so will be addressed in virtually all Metis products. If you, as an individual, want to become more adept at coping with adversity, then perhaps a course of Life Coaching is for you. If not, keep in touch as Keith's book, "The Hero You", is near completion!

Is Life Coaching really worth the money/time?

For the right person and for the right reasons, then yes, absolutely. Many of the most 'successful' people on earth employ a life coach - billionaires, Olympic gold medalists, Nobel prize winners, CEO's, Special Forces operatives, celebrities..... - Considering they seem to have achieved so much, what do they have to benefit from paying a coach who has probably not 'achieved' what they have? In short, a good life coach can help unlock potential, find balance, purpose and direction; to find perspective or to open up new approaches to a problem. The scope is broad and the benefits, far reaching. Just ask Bill Gates, Oprah Winfrey, Leonardo DiCaprio, Serena Williams, Hugh Jackman .............!

Does Metis work with schools?

We have a number of programmes designed specifically for secondary school age audiences, focusing on behavioural change, sense of purpose and resilience. The 'Elite' resilience workshops are more applicable to youth initiatives such as sports scholarship programmes and sports academies, where players pursue excellence while being vulnerable to specific changes in circumstance eg. injury or 'de-selection'.

Where are the courses held?

If you want to host the event(s) at your premises for convenience, then as long as the venue is appropriate and safe for the numbers involved, we would be delighted to accommodate. If you'd like us to source a suitable location, we have relationships with a number of venues to suit various budgets.

Where can I learn more about the Metis 10 step process?

Keith's book, "The Hero You", is nearing completion, but in the meantime, keep an eye out for our new You Tube channel, for articles on Linked In, or even better, sign up for one of our courses!

Talk to us

Have any questions? We are always open to talk about you, your business, new projects, creative opportunities and how we can help you to break new ground.